
How does excess acid slowly kill people’s health? Nutrition science reveals the secrets of the body’s acid-base balance. Part 1.

Imagine that dozens of diseases can have only one cause. And it has to do with increased acidity in the body. That’s right: an improper balance of acid and alkali provokes the destruction of the most important systems and eliminates protective functions. And vice versa: if a balanced pH environment is maintained, metabolic processes in the body are stable, and a person is fully protected from most threats. What does nutrition have to do with it? Because the level of acidity directly depends on a person’s lifestyle and diet. In this series of articles, I’ll tell you what pH is, what high acidity leads to, how to solve the problem and prevent its development.

Nutrition and acid-base balance of the body

What is pH and what does nutrition have to do with it?

The ratio of acid and alkali in any solution is called acid-base equilibrium (ABE). But it is more correct to use the term “acid-base state”. To measure the ORP, the indicator of hydrogen power or simply pH is used. In general, it shows the number of hydrogen atoms in a solution. If it is approximately 7.0, the medium is called neutral. If the pH is lower (0-6.9), the medium is acidic. If the pH level is higher (7.1-14.0), the medium is alkaline.

What does CCR have to do with the human body? It has everything to do with it! After all, the human body is 80% water and has its own pH level. It is so balanced that any imbalance leads to the development of serious diseases.

Our body has a slightly alkaline environment. The balance of acid and alkaline in a healthy body is maintained at a stable level and in a fairly narrow range between 7.26 and 7.45. Even a slight change in blood pH that goes beyond this range can have undesirable and even dangerous consequences. If the change is severe, the risk to health is very high.

Nutrition and acid-base balance of the body

What is the danger of high acidity in the body?

Acidification of the body is a consequence of a poor diet and a preference for acidic foods. Many people consume too much fat, dairy products, meat, sugar, grains, baked goods and sweets, and processed foods. Most consume refined, fried, and other processed foods that are virtually devoid of fiber, vitamins, and minerals-not to mention unsaturated fatty acids and enzymes.

Of course, the body does not like this. It is forced to resist: that is, to reduce the level of acid in vital organs. To do this, the principle of water retention is triggered. But solving one problem leads to other problems: metabolic disorders occur. In particular, it leads to premature aging, early wrinkles, etc.

If the body is acidified, the function of transferring oxygen to tissues and organs is impaired. Problems arise with the absorption of minerals. And calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are generally excreted from the body quickly, so that a person does not have time to replenish their balance in the usual way.

As a result, the body spends a significant amount of energy and resources to bring the acidic state into balance: in particular, to neutralize excess acid. This provokes an imbalance in a number of biochemical reactions.

Here’s how it works. To bring the acidic state back to normal, you need alkali. Since a person does not consume additional alkaline substances without even knowing about the problem, the body begins to work with its own resources: calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. By solving the problem of acidification, it frees up space for other problems. In particular:

  • increased risk of osteoporosis due to lack of calcium;
  • constant fatigue indicates a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • mood changes and sleep disturbances are the result of a lack of all the elements;
  • disruption of the alkaline balance of the nervous system leads to problems with mental activity.

And that’s not all. Nutrition studies the effects of mineral deficiencies. These include, in particular, disruptions in the functioning of vital organs. The risk of developing heart and vascular disease increases significantly. Bones become brittle and the body’s defenses weaken. If the level of acid has not been stabilized and the mode of its excretion is impaired (it is not excreted in sweat, urine, breath, etc.), severe intoxication develops. In this case, the body cannot cope on its own. It is necessary to carry out alkaline therapy.

Why is it so important? Because excessive acidification of the body leads to more than two hundred diseases! Many people don’t even realize that osteoarthritis, cataracts, cholelithiasis, and even cancer can be the result of acid intoxication!

And the cause of the problems is “very banal”: 90% of the diet of most modern people consists of foods and drinks with a high acid content. Almost everything people eat and drink has a pH of 4.5-2.5, which is very different from the norm.

Nutrition and acid-base balance of the body

Acidosis is a disease of modern people.

The condition of increased acidity of the body is called acidosis in medicine. If the problem is not detected in a timely manner, acidosis develops gradually and harms the body for months (if not years). This happens, for example, when a person is a fan of “casual drinking” – that is, consumes small portions of alcohol every day. But this is not the only reason.

Acidosis can lead to:

  • weight gain;
  • development of diabetes;
  • the emergence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney stones, other kidney and bladder diseases;
  • lowering the level of body defense;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • chronic fatigue and weakness;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • Bone fragility, which can lead, for example, to a fracture of the femoral neck;
  • weakening of eye muscles, development of farsightedness;
  • deterioration of the recovery function after exertion;
  • an increase in the harmful effects of free radicals, which cause cancer.

Nutrition science has long focused on this problem. At the University of California, San Francisco, USA, scientists have been examining nine thousand women for seven years. They came to the conclusion that a constant high level of acidity leads to brittle and fragile bones. The authors of the experiment believe that most health problems in middle-aged women are associated with eating too much meat and dairy products and not enough fruits, vegetables, and greens. Therefore, their bodies were forced to take calcium from their own reserves – that is, from their bones. And all this – just to equalize the pH level.

In the next part of this article, you will learn how to identify high acidity based on the results of analyzes and how to regulate pH in a safe way.

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